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Looking for information on Twrdy in Klobouky u Brna

PříspěvekNapsal: stř dub 16, 2014 21:48
od Twerdy
Hello everybody, excuse me for writing in English. I think I have Czech ancestors, but unfortunately I do not speak Czech. My last name is Twerdy. But some generations ago it was Twrdy. The last trace I have about the Twerdy/Twrdy family ends in Klobouky u Brna. May be somebody in the forum can help? The earliest known person is
Franz Eduard Twrdy, his profession was "Oberamtmann" something in the administration. He died in 25.09.1850 in Hustopece at the age of 55. The exact date and place of birth are not known unfortunately.
He married Antonia Hladisch, the daugther of Mathias Hladisch, a citizen of Hustopece.
Their son was Franz Gustav Joan. Nepomuk Twerdy who was born on 16.04.1843 in Klobouky u Brna house no. 101. Nothing is known about his job. However he must have moved on as his son Alfred Rudolf Twerdy was born in 1876 in Chotebor.
May be somebody has an idea where I could find out more about the origin of the first Twrdy? As he was in the administration of Klobouky u Brna may be there exist some records about him? Can you tell me if Twrdy is a Czech name? There are also theories the name might come from Poland or Slovakia.
Thank you very much for you help.
Ahoj, Fabian

Re: Svatba 1756 Klobouky u Brna latina VYŘEŠENO, DĚKUJI!!

PříspěvekNapsal: čtv dub 17, 2014 7:13
od Slim
Twrdy is typically czech name, today is writen as Tvrdý (feminine version of the name is Tvrdá, today he lives in Czech republic 873 men and 907 women having this name). In english means "Tough, Hard". Please make new thread and put your message again. If theme signed "VYŘEŠENO, DĚKUJI" this means "SOLVED, THANK YOU" and people on this phorum consider thread solved and not read this.

Twrdy Klobouky u Brna

PříspěvekNapsal: čtv dub 17, 2014 8:05
od ozana
vytvořeno jako nové téma z původního příspěvku pod vyřešeným tématem

Re: Twrdy Klobouky u Brna

PříspěvekNapsal: čtv dub 17, 2014 8:23
od Zora
* Franz Gustav Joan. Nepomuk - Klobouky u Brna ... ?strana=42

Re: Looking for information on Twrdy in Klobouky u Brna

PříspěvekNapsal: čtv dub 17, 2014 14:13
od Twerdy
Oh, thank you very much for your quick reply and advice!

Re: Looking for information on Twrdy in Klobouky u Brna

PříspěvekNapsal: čtv dub 17, 2014 20:14
od Dagmar8
V rodokmenu mám Tvrdé, ve Slavkově u Brna, což není tak daleko od Klobouků, ale opravdu nevím, jestli ke mně tihle patří, nebo ne.
Navíc i když je to zdánlivě pěkně napsáno, záznam v matrice všechen nepřečtu, zajímal by mě ten svědek vpravo - není to Josef Tvrdý? nebo špatně vidím?

Bohužel anglicky neumím, abych to sem napsala pro zadavatele, jsem poválečný ročník a tím je řečeno vše.

Re: Looking for information on Twrdy in Klobouky u Brna

PříspěvekNapsal: úte dub 22, 2014 21:42
od Twerdy
Thank you for your reply Dagmar. I use to understand ;-) So this is interesting that your ancestors did not live far away from Klobouk and they had the same name Twrdy/Tvrdy. May be you would like to share some names and dates? In the document I read "Herr (pan) Franz Eduard Twrdy (or Tvrdy?)" as the father of Franz Gustav Joan. Nepomuk Twerdy. May be somebody has an idea where to find information about the history of Klobouky u Brna? In Czech is okay.

Re: Looking for information on Twrdy in Klobouky u Brna

PříspěvekNapsal: stř dub 23, 2014 6:36
od Kašpar

Re: Looking for information on Twrdy in Klobouky u Brna

PříspěvekNapsal: úte dub 29, 2014 9:21
od Twerdy
děkuji mnohokrát!